written by 10121 Jang Yoon Seo & 10616 Lee Na Yoon


The media of the 21st century is integrated deep into our lives. Especially for teenagers, the media plays the role of friends and teachers at the same time. It provides educational opportunities, becomes something to enjoy, and enables communication with a variety of people. Multimedia uses text, graphics, sounds and video with links and tools that let the user do a variety of things. Schools often use multimedia for students’ education.

Multimedia offers a personal self-directed learning environment. Along with multimedia, hypermedia enables appropriate learning that is a different learning form. Hypermedia is a mixture of videos, images, audio and text on a website that connects to other media. Also, they accommodate various language ability levels. Moreover, students can receive their learning feedback immediately.


Effects of Multimedia

By using multimedia, students have engaging visual and auditory language experiences. Moreover, it stimulates students’ curiosity and motivates them to learn through various experiences. For example, making a webtoon attracts learners and develops their interest in classes.

In addition, multimedia books develop readers imagination. When they read, it allows readers to listen to emotions more delicately.

Having developed an ability to use the media critically, many students choose interesting issues. These issues can be about education, the environment, the economy, etc. They judge the truth or cover the news’ title, think about the news picture during classes at some schools. Students who take these classes learn that their original thoughts about news are meaningless behavior or talk. These so-called news outlets gather attention for fun. But after these classes, students know if they click on meaningless news, including false or exaggerated information, more journalists will write meaningless news. So students learn to stop clicking on these sites. 

Another example is ChoonJa, a series of contents to experience the progress of environmental education progress from the Chungnam Office of Education. These contents consult YouTube when it comes to popular content. It shows students who have closer participation in education. Students who attend school in Chungcheongnam Province can participate in this.

So it is a reliable example of multimedia education. It has the advantage of getting pieces of information anytime you want. 


SAWL Media

Here at SAWL, Sawlians also use multimedia and electronic devices during their classes. In a survey of 30 first and second-year Sawlians, everyone answered yes to whether classes using media were helpful.


Classes at SAWL use various applications. The most frequently mentioned thing in the survey was presentation classes that use PPT. Most students can recognize at a glance the visual data used by the presenter. PPT presentations can develop the ability to summarize the contents in the process of making it. Also, it is suitable for group activities because several people can work on it at the same time. 

The second most mentioned thing was video classes. COVID-19 has increased the proportion of online classes. Students said that videos were beneficial since they are accessible anywhere and anytime when needed. 

Classcard and Notion were mentioned as some of the online applications used in the classroom. In the case of the Classcard, you can improve your skills with repetitive word learning and games. Notion makes it easy to find information.

Use with Caution

Before using multimedia, there are things to be careful about. 

Teachers should not rely solely on multimedia. Instead, they should remember the quality of learning is not data but teachers. 

Also, students should take media literacy classes. Media literacy is the ability to understand various media, access different messages, analyze and communicate them.

Wi-Fi, which is the basis for using media, also causes problems. In the case of SAWL, before every classroom had Wi-Fi, most Sawlians went to the places where Wi-Fi was found. At that time, it was hard to work because there were very few Wi-Fi places.

Students are capable of feeling interested in colorful classes. Through media literacy education classes, students can expand their views. So, it can improve the awareness of society. This small individual change will create synergy to be a path beyond community and toward the world.

