Release of Radioactive Water

written by 10306 Kim Tae Yeon

April 13, 2021, Japan decided to push ahead with a policy for the release of radioactive water. The United States has been saying that it agrees with Japan. Korea, China, and Russia expressed their disagreement.

Fukushima Nuclear Accident

In 2011, there was an unpresented earthquake in the eastern part of Japan. Fukushima was hit by a tsunami.

The nuclear plant in Fukushima sank into the water. This caused the nuclear plant to be cut off from electricity. Therefore, the plant couldn’t provide the water to cool the nuclear fusion facility, which caused the firewall to melt down.

The nuclear plant blew up, and the damage of this incident remains.

Japan’s Push

Japan recently announced its plan to release radioactive water into the ocean. Lots of nations and international organizations disagree with this policy because it can pollute the oceans of the world through ocean currents.

Japan has stored an enormous amount of radioactive water in the water tank. However, the tank will run out of capacity in 2022. Japan can not make more facilities because of financial and other problems, such as the disagreement of residents.

The Policy of Japan

Japan has been selling the crops produced in Fukushima, and exporting products such as fish and rice to other nations. However, the crops and fishes of Fukushima have 5~10 times more radiation and chemicals than other average products.

With the 2021 Summer Olympics being held in Japan, Japan’s government decided to prove their crop’s safety and export or sell more Fukushima crops and fish through this chance.

What Can Be Done?

We can’t prevent this policy due to lack of technology in the elimination of radiation. Also it will cost 180 billion dollars to do it.

Furthermore, 2-4 tons of polluted water has occurred, but the Japanese government cannot afford the enormous amount of water.

Therefore, we should watch this policy and monitor the release of water conducted in accordance with safety standards.
