Future Evolution

written by 20220 Jang Yoon Seo

It was only 200,000 years ago that Homo sapiens, modern human beings, appeared in approximately 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history. Civilization began around 10,000 BC when people learned how to farm, the lifestyle that relied on the natural environment lasted for a long time.

Then, with the scientific revolution 500 years ago, human life entered a path of full-scale change. Finally, with the advent of the steam engine 250 years ago, the rate of change changed from addition to multiplication.

Electricity, invented in the late 19th century, ushered in the era of mass production, and computers in the late 20th century, followed by automation, ushered in the online era. Now in the 21st century, the 4th Industrial Revolution is starting.

The convergence of things and technologies centering on digital is rapidly progressing. As a result, the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds, online and offline, and humans and machines are disappearing.

Amid the huge wave of the 4th Industrial Revolution, 2022 EXPRESS asks what mindset Sawlians should have for the future in a constantly changing era.

In order to lead without being confused by rapid change, it suggests a way to become a subject of change in all sectors of society. It gives hope to live a future-oriented life.

THE PRESS will help you dream of the future and move towards the future.
