To a Wider World!

written by 20220 Jang Yoon Seo

THE PRESS: If you could describe SAWL in one word, which word would you choose?

Principal Kang Kil Ja: Challenge. When I think of SAWL, students and teachers who challenge themselves are the first things that come to my mind. For our students and teachers, it is a choice and a challenge from the moment of admission. SAWL is a place of wonderful people who constantly grow through challenges.

THE PRESS: Is there anything you would like to do at SAWL?

Principal Kang: I have always been interested in multiculturalism, contemporary history and diaspora. So I’ve thought about establishing a network with second and third-generation overseas immigrants in each major and continuing exchanges. Even though it is difficult for each major, I hope it is possible for them through club activities.

THE PRESS: What do you think about the future of SAWL and SAWL students?

Principal Kang: Sawlians have the passion and confidence to take on challenges, and they know the joy of learning from each other and growing together. I hope everyone will become the protagonists of their own lives anytime, anywhere. SAWL is and will continue to be, a warm-hearted home that has watched your growth and change at the start of your life’s journey.

THE PRESS: What was the most memorable event or activity at SAWL?

Principal Kang: The Model International Organization Conference activities were the most impressive. I could confirm the excellent English communication skills of Sawlians and the international sense and perspective enough to become responsible global leaders. It was also an opportunity to experience vividly how wonderful it is to be able to connect with people from all over the world through English.

THE PRESS: What motto would you like SAWL to have?

Principal Kang: The school motto of SAWL is “Building Bridges to a Wider World!” I hope that our students will always especially remember “to a Wider World” and never forget it after graduation. To a wider world!
