written by 10214 Oh Seo Ah
About MIOC

Model International Organization Conference (MIOC) is an academic simulation of the United Nations (UN). The MIOC is where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real-world issues with the policies and perspectives of their allocated countries.
The MIOC simulation consists of negotiation, discussion and lively debates, which is the mainspring of UN activity.
The aim of Model United Nations is to educate students about current events, international relationships, diplomacy and the agenda of the United Nations. By working as a representative of various countries, the participants are able to obtain knowledge of the world we live in and improve abilities, including public speaking, presentation, persuasion, situation analysis, research and critical thinking.
Rules of MIOC
The procedure of the MIOC can be comprehensively separated into the opening of the debate, debates and the closing.
What comes first to your mind when it comes to speaking of MIOC? Certainly, a lot of students who participated in MIOC were unsure and afraid of it since it was a first-time experience. A lot of delegates were unaccustomed to the rules of MIOC and made some mistakes while participating, but later all of them could be familiar with the procedures of MIOC eventually.
Amid all the rules of procedure of MIOC, here are the challenging rules of MIOC that the delegates were unfamiliar with the most. First of all, the delegates were not supposed to use first person or second person point of view, such as I, we, and you. When the delegates were assigned to speak in talking with other delegates, and their own country, they had to state, “The delegate of (their own country)...” The delegates were not allowed to speak Korean since it was an exact simulation of the international conference. If the delegates did not follow the rules, the staff would check the demerits of the usage of Korean and first and second person view, which would influence the results of the MIOC at the end.
2022 SAWL 11th MIOC
The agenda of 2022 SAWL MIOC was “Promoting a stable food supply to alleviate famine caused by armed conflicts”. Before the 2022 MIOC conference on July 14th, each country had to write a position paper about the agenda.
Russia stated in its position paper that sitting global food insecurity responsibility on Russia cannot be a solution. War is closely related to refugees and forced displacement. Therefore is suffering from food shortages and anxiety due to a huge conflict.
The two final resolutions were each submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran and Japan.
The Islamic Republic of Iran was sponsored by the Federal Republic of Germany and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Their position paper insisted on the diversification of food supply networks of producing countries through the utilization of diverse global trading routes.
While Japan was sponsored by the Republic of France and the Republic of Turkey. Their position paper asserted its hope of eliminating the underlying causes of famine with the systemization of a secure international food network.
The general assembly chose the Islamic Republic of Iran’s resolution. All of the delegates from the 20 countries, chair and staff, endeavored at their best.
An Unforgettable Experience
Many students in SAWL who participated in MIOC as delegates and staff reported that it was such a memorable and motivational experience. Thanks to the involvement of MIOC, the participants could gain the opportunity to challenge themselves and develop their professional skills, communication skills and global awareness.
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