written by 20720 Jung Do Young


THE PRESS: You're new to SAWL, what kind of expectations and mindset did you have before coming?


Vice Principal Lee Eun Kyoung: When I first came to SAWL, I had heard that it was very clean. Also, what I had heard about the basic lifestyle of Sawlians was correct, like wearing their uniforms and following the rules. I was worried about what kind of mindset I should have at SAWL, where the manpower is firmly organized. In particular, SAWL is a school that students and parents trust a lot, so as a member of the educational community, I thought I should be proud and contribute to the joy of SAWL.


THE PRESS: What do you think are the strengths of SAWL and students?


Vice Principal Lee: Teachers are very capable. In particular, teachers have high self-esteem and pride. They are very wise. Also, they love the students so much. Students soak up information from them like sponges. SAWL’s strength is that the human resources of faculty and students are combined to create good synergy.


THE PRESS: What is your philosophy and values of education?

Vice Principal Lee: I am not afraid of change. I think the ability to meet and solve changes without avoiding them is important. I think I should learn what is important now, what I need to throw away or take away in the past, and what is useful to me. My philosophy is to be faithful to my life now, because I think it is most important to develop my current capabilities in the present reality where I can be happy.

THE PRESS: What do you think about SAWL’s foreign language magazine club The PRESS?

Vice Principal Lee: The PRESS is the club that shows the characteristics of foreign language high school better than other clubs. The PRESS is SAWL’s publicity and pride. I hope The PRESS will continue to help promote the school. I support the continued development of The PRESS, a club with everything about language.

THE PRESS: Is there anything you want to say to Sawlians?

Vice Principal Lee: I was suffocated when I entered SAWL and saw the schedule of SAWL. Since I studied like this in the past, I could relate to the schedule of SAWL better than anyone else. Of course, other general schools spend similar lives attending academies and studying, but they have a chance to choose whether or not to go, but I feel sorry for that because Sawlians are forced to follow this system without a choice. But if you follow this system well, I think Sawlians will be able to see the light.
